Good deal! Estate for sale in Tuscany with vineyards, farmhouses, hamlet and 130 hectares of land.
This Beautiful Village for sale is located on the Tuscan hills, it is a rural complex overlooking the Valdarno, Casentino and the Val di Chiana. Located in the town of Civitella in Val di Chiana is the last bulwark of that City but it portrays all the features from its altitude, about 400 mt. above sea level and surrounded by green hills that enhance its grandeur.
The village dates back to Etruscan times and still shows remains of walls and the ancient Roman road.
The seventeenth-century villa that is located on the side of the village, from its north side has a very dense forest that protects from the cold winds. Along the facade of the two-storey villa, the seventeenth-century line, massive, good-natured, runs a kind of trench two or three meters wide and just as deep, which at first may suggest a protective moat of a castle but in reality It had been built in order to ventilate the cellars located under the ground floor.
Small stone bridge over the moat that leads into the entrance loggia of the villa. From the central square of the village where overlook the cellars, the Church and the old mill, branch off the houses and gardens. The village until the middle of last century was inhabited by many families who farmed the surrounding land, producing olive oil and wine in this unique position taking both excellent features.
Inside the colossal house "Mill" even today you can taste the story because there's big wheel in stone that was used, turning on itself, drawn by donkey, to grind the olives for oil production.The property consists of the manor house of the seventeenth century with antique finishes, terraced park with view over the tops of the Tuscan Apennines, Casentino and Valdarno up to see Mount Abetone in the province of Pistoia, eight farmhouses of different sizes , all in good condition, cellar, lemon house, several outbuildings (stables and porches) pool, a small church and a picturesque stretch of Roman road. The total walking surfaces is around 4,500 square meters.The estate of 130 hectares of land divided into 11 hectares of vineyards, 5 hectares of olive groves, forests, pastures and arable remaining parts.
Price 5.300.000,00 Euro